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Author(s):      Pernilla Gripenberg
ISBN:      978-972-8924-82-9
Editors:      Gunilla Bradley and Piet Kommers
Year:      2009
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      ICT use, ICT landscapes, quality of life, multi-method, sociomateriality, social informatics
Type:      Short Paper
First Page:      193
Last Page:      197
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Everyday life is becoming increasingly ‘technologised’ and ‘virtualised’ through the growing use of various information and communication technologies (ICTs) across all spheres of life. ICT devices are becoming smaller and more mobile, and also converging, including more different types of functions. Simultaneously, working adults who are evidently more stressed for time than previous generations are also struggling to cope with a growing number of ICTs that do not necessarily ‘talk’ smoothly with each other, leaving people ever more dependent on technological support and the good will of technology interested friends. On the other hand, the general assumption is that ICTs are making our lives better in terms of saving time, increasing mobility, increasing the amount of information we can access, decreasing the need for travel etc. Previous research has clearly shown that there are many paradoxical effects of ICT usage and the question of whether or not the use of ICTs are increasing our quality of life, well-being, life control and personal autonomy is not possible to answer straightforwardly. In this short paper I offer a résumé of key issues from previous and ongoing research and propose some avenues for future research on individual ICT landscapes and quality of life.

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